My box is...

. . . . . A repository for my daily thoughts, rants, writings and ramblings be they prose, poetry, political diatribe or review. How do I get all that on one page? It's bigger on the inside of course.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Meet the Blue Box Angel.

Any fan of the long running, well loved British Sci-fi series Doctor Who will recognize my name. I grew up with Doctor Who, watching since I was five or six. Safe to say it helped to form the person I am today. It taught me to be open minded, to ask questions and seek knowledge; to look up at the stars and not see stars but potential. It taught me to dream and sparked my creativity and imagination. It taught me not to judge on appearances or religion, that no matter who we are or what we look like we all have the potential to be extraordinary.

If you're shaking your head and muttering to yourself right now that I am a geek, you're quite right. A cheerful, unrepentant geek at that. Yes, a science fiction show taught me how to look at the world and everything in it. Anything that can open a child's eyes to a wider universe should be lauded and respected. Yeah it's a television show and in some ways no different than any other. It's the philosophy behind it and present in every episode that I challenge others to watch and not respect.

I am a grown up who still remembers to jump in puddles and yes, hopes one day to hear that distinctive wheeze and find a blue police box inexplicably on a street corner with the door ajar.

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