My box is...

. . . . . A repository for my daily thoughts, rants, writings and ramblings be they prose, poetry, political diatribe or review. How do I get all that on one page? It's bigger on the inside of course.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

To soothe the Savage beast

Music is a powerful tool. It can make us laugh, cry, cheer and curse. Music can drive us to frenzy and be cathartic or give us relief when we are angry or sad. It gives inspiration and heals our hurts. My tastes in music are, I would say, eclectic at the least. I don’t love or hate any one specific genre. I’ve found songs in all genres that move me in one way or another. What I listen to is dependent on my mood. Often what I listen to suits my mood rather than offsets it. When I was feeling angry and betrayed, this song gave me comfort, made me smile and drove me hoarse singing along.

When I want to feel empowered, this song gets my blood pumping as I identify with the refrain. “All I know for sure is I’m trying. I will always stand my ground.” Words to live by, well for me anyway.

Now sometimes I’m just happy and want something that makes me grin, makes me dance and even makes me laugh. My list of those songs would take up way too much space. Lord help me if anyone ever plants a camera in here and catches me listening to any of those songs. The video evidence would be enough to have me committed I think….or spawn my own YouTube channel. Heh.

This one always reminds me of trips home to visit my family every summer. Somehow we always catch this on the car radio. Hearing this generally results in people in the cars around us pointing and staring while I, my sisters and sixty year old father rock out like geeks.

and never underestimate the ability of Eurovision to give you gems to watch and laugh at!

When I’m feeling melancholy, I tend to find similar songs. This isn’t wallowing, rather it’s accepting how you’re feeling and being okay with it. Makes it easier to deal with when it’s not so overwhelming and the music helps.

Share your favorites with me. What songs move you and why? I leave you with one of my favorite songs with a montage from one of my favorite shows. :P

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