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. . . . . A repository for my daily thoughts, rants, writings and ramblings be they prose, poetry, political diatribe or review. How do I get all that on one page? It's bigger on the inside of course.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Where ignorance meets hate, here lies Glenn Beck

Ok. Gloves off. Glenn Beck you, sir, are an ass. I have tried, mainly for my father’s sake, to listen to Glenn with an open mind. My open minded attitude was dented a few weeks ago as Glenn, on The View, when asked if he fact checked said no he does not. He’s a commentator not a journalist and can say whatever he wants. I have now given up altogether after his disgraceful behavior on his radio show yesterday while commenting on Lawrence O’Donnell and a letter he read. Specifically, Lawrence stated he has many friends who rely on Planned Parenthood and Glenn broke in with “Hookers?! Who depends on Planned Parenthood? I’ve got 400 abortions that I have to have! I have to have these children aborted! I’m depending on Planned Parenthood!” Implying the only possible use for Planned Parenthood is prostitution related abortion.

I used Planned Parenthood for a decade or more. I had no insurance and Planned Parenthood gave me an affordable way to get the services I needed, checkups, exams and the like. Contrary to the now popular Republican lie, abortion is NOT ninety percent of the services Planned Parenthood offers. In fact it accounts for only three percent of their services used each year. It is a wonderful organization of caring professionals who make healthcare available to women with little or no insurance or income. They are often also brilliant at handling situations hospitals make unnecessarily awkward, not to mention budget busting.

As far as Glenn Beck’s listeners are concerned, I must be an abortion happy hooker. For the record, I’ve never been pregnant and cannot become pregnant. I deeply resent the reprehensible comments Mr. Beck made yesterday. How dare he? Ah but he dares because he does not care to fact check and can say whatever he wants, no matter the consequences. The more upsetting part for me are the people who can hear these things from him and still defend him as having anything trustworthy or worthwhile to say. How much paranoia and hate speech does it take before they open their eyes?

Sorry Dad. Glenn Beck has destroyed any chance you had of convincing me Glenn Beck has anything worthwhile to say. Because I love you I won’t bring him up on our next road trip because we will never agree. We’ll stay to safer topics, like what homemade pies Kay will have for us this time at our stop!

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